Managing network connection

Before changing network settings, please check if the network is accessible for the device: if you try to connect to the ethernet, the cable is plugged and the yellow/green LEDs after the jack are lighting or flashing (the device is power on); if you try to connect to wifi, check the connection from an other device in the same area (notebook, tablet, phone etc.).


To manage the network settings you need a usb keyboard.

1. Network connection types

The CPX device handles to following connections times (but only one for the same time): ethernet with dhcp, ethernet with static addresses, wifi with dhcp.

2. Setting up ethernet with dhcp

When the CPX is started and at least the device id/firmware version number appeared under the logo press Escape button in the plugged usb keyboard. Appears a menu list, with "down arrow" button select the "Network settings" and press Enter. In the settings page you can also walk with up and down arrow buttons. The switch for the Ethernet and DHCP set to the ON status with the Enther button than press Enter on the Apply button. Wait while the Network led turns off and on again. This needs several seconds.


3. Setting up ethernet with static address

When the CPX is started and at least the device id/firmware version number appeared under the logo press Escape button in the plugged usb keyboard. Appears a menu list, with "down arrow" button select the "Network settings" and press Enter. In the settings page you can also walk with up and down arrow buttons. Set Ethernet to On, DHCP to Off and fill the fields above with correct values. Wait while the Network led turns off and on again. This needs several seconds.


4. Setting up wifi connection (dhcp)

When the CPX is started and at least the device id/firmware version number appeared under the logo press Escape button in the plugged usb keyboard. Appears a menu list, with "down arrow" button select the "Network settings" and press Enter. In the settings page you can also walk with up and down arrow buttons. Switch the button beside WiFi to on. After some seconds two new rows appears. In the firs row's (SSID) selector are listed all accessible wifi groups. You can pick any. If the target group's name is hidden, you can type it straight to the edit field before the SSID selector. If the connection required authentication, type the password in the second edit field, if the network is open do not type anything.


After setting the correct values, press Apply and when the player is reloaded, restart the device (pull out power cable and plug again).

5. Check if connected successfully and find received ID address

If the device is connected successfully, the Network LED lights and if you turn back to the Network settings page (Escape, down, Enter), you will see the received address in the selected network type line (Ethernet or WiFi).